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New+Pivot+Gallery+screenshotProQuest is excited to launch Pivot™ Gallery, a customizable website where an institution can quickly and easily promote its research talent, and their work, to the world. Academic research institutions want the ability to showcase their researchers and their output. ProQuest can deliver this instantly as soon as your institution is ready.

Pivot™ Gallery is ideal for helping an institution:

  • Gain exposure for its resident experts among Media Outlets, Publishers and Law Firms
  • Showcase faculty to assist in recruiting efforts
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This public-facing website can quickly and cost-effectively be built for an institution by the Pivot team at ProQuest using the institution’s existing Pivot profiles, and can be customized to fit into its brand look and feel.


  • Fast, easy setup with comprehensive coverage of faculty and researchers
  • Indexable by Google, Yahoo, Bing and any other web search engine to ensure your researchers are discovered by media outlets, law firms and publishers who are seeking experts
  • Homepage created to fit an institution’s brand look and feel, with customizable institution name, logo, links and colors


Find out more about Pivot™.

Download the Pivot™ Gallery overview.

Contact a supper ⅤPN to find out more or request a demo.

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